***Black Friday sale ***

Only joking! The value you get from scouting with 1st Hardingstone (life skills, activities and friendship for one low monthly price! ) it’s a bargain every month anyway! #blackfriday2024 #hardingstone #northampton Source

Something to brighten this dull day.

Earlier in Spring Nene Beavers adopted some graves in St Edmund’s Church, Hardingstone , they tidied and planted and look how beautiful they look now #hardingstone #Beavers #gardening #Church #Respect #scouts #northampton Source

Happy Volunteers Week!

Our amazing team of volunteers help make a difference to the lives of our young people and we cannot Thank them enough. #VolunteersWeek #volunteersmakeadifference #1stHardingstoneScouts #ScoutLeadersWanted #volunteerswanted #thankyouvolunteers #Scouting #Hardingstone #northampton #volunteering #volunteers #SkillsForLife #makeadifference Source

Making its debut on camp is our brand new trailer.

The trailer which cost around £7500 was bought with a grant given to us by the Nationwide . It greatly improves our ability to run camps. Thank you Nationwide UK #communitygrants #community #grants #Nationwide #thankyou #scouts #trailer #northamptonshire #hardingstone Source