We are so proud of our amazing young people for being so smart and respectful in today’s Remembrance Parade. #Hardingstone #1sthardingstonescouts #remembranceday #remembrancesunday #northamptonshire Source
***Black Friday sale ***
Only joking! The value you get from scouting with 1st Hardingstone (life skills, activities and friendship for one low monthly price! ) it’s a bargain every month anyway! #blackfriday2024 #hardingstone #northampton Source
Something to brighten this dull day.
Earlier in Spring Nene Beavers adopted some graves in St Edmund’s Church, Hardingstone , they tidied and planted and look how beautiful they look now #hardingstone #Beavers #gardening #Church #Respect #scouts #northampton Source
Annabel Amos – Your 2024 Rugby Premiership Champions – Northampton Saints – BBC Sounds
Hands up if you heard Skip on BBC Northamptonshire this Morning? If you missed it have a listen, he’s on around 3hrs 40m in, you’ll hear him talk about scouting as well as learning his favourite dishes, useful if you…
Happy Volunteers Week!
Our amazing team of volunteers help make a difference to the lives of our young people and we cannot Thank them enough. #VolunteersWeek #volunteersmakeadifference #1stHardingstoneScouts #ScoutLeadersWanted #volunteerswanted #thankyouvolunteers #Scouting #Hardingstone #northampton #volunteering #volunteers #SkillsForLife #makeadifference Source
Have you thought about Volunteering with us?
#hardingstone #northampton #volunteering #community Have you thought of volunteering with Scouts? You can make all the difference to young people in your area. https://bit.ly/4avGaUI Source
Making its debut on camp is our brand new trailer.
The trailer which cost around £7500 was bought with a grant given to us by the Nationwide . It greatly improves our ability to run camps. Thank you Nationwide UK #communitygrants #community #grants #Nationwide #thankyou #scouts #trailer #northamptonshire #hardingstone Source
Group camp 2024 is underway! 144 group members from 4 – 50+ will be having a blast this weekend.
#scoutcamp #squirrels #scouts #beavers #cubs #explorers #camping #summerfun #hardingstone #tents Source
Both of our Cub packs have been out and about having a great time. Mercia walked the battlefield tra
Both of our Cub packs have been out and about having a great time. Mercia walked the battlefield trail in Delapré Abbey and Danelaw had a fun visit at Sywell Aviation Museum #cubs #scouts #hardingstone #history #aircraft #learning Source
Good Luck to all of our Scouts taking their SATs this week and our Explorers as they start their GCS
Good Luck to all of our Scouts taking their SATs this week and our Explorers as they start their GCSEs. Remember your scout promise and laws, do your best and have courage in all difficulties. #sats #examseason #GCSE #scoutlaw #scouts…