Latetst News from around the Group
- We are so proud of our amazing young people for being so smart and respectful in today’s Remembrance ParadeWe are so proud of our amazing young people for being so smart and respectful in today’s Remembrance Parade. #Hardingstone #1sthardingstonescouts #remembranceday #remembrancesunday #northamptonshire Source
- ***Black Friday sale ***Only joking! The value you get from scouting with 1st Hardingstone (life skills, activities and friendship for one low monthly price! ) it’s a bargain every month anyway! #blackfriday2024 #hardingstone #northampton Source
- Yet another super busy week at 1st hardingstone!Athletics for Danelaw, litter pick and playground visit for squirrels, a visit to sessions house for Nene Beavers, a bit of camp theory for Saxon scouts, whilst Viking scouts tried a spot of archery, Welland beavers learnt about respect and played some games and Mercia cubs practiced for Wimledon! #wimbledon #litterpick #archery #activity #scouts #hardingstone…
- Something to brighten this dull day.Earlier in Spring Nene Beavers adopted some graves in St Edmund’s Church, Hardingstone , they tidied and planted and look how beautiful they look now #hardingstone #Beavers #gardening #Church #Respect #scouts #northampton Source
- Considering becoming a trustee of the 1st Hardingstone Scout Group? While the role is voluntary, thConsidering becoming a trustee of the 1st Hardingstone Scout Group? While the role is voluntary, the personal rewards are immense. Shape the Future of Scouting: Trustees play a vital role in the group’s direction. You’ll help ensure 1st Hardingstone continues to provide a safe and exciting environment for local youth to learn, grow, and develop…
- Scouts – A message from Bear Grylls, UK Chief ScoutThank You Bear Grylls you’ve been amazing After 15 years as Chief Scout, Bear Grylls announces September will mark the end of his time in the role. Follow the link to read the message from our UK Chief Scout Bear Grylls: Scouts – A message from Bear Grylls, UK Chief Scout Source
- A huge thank you to LEGO for donating a fantastic selection of Duplo to our Squirrels!We were nominated by one of our amazing leaders, Max, as part of the LEGO Education Foundation’s mission to educate children “through play”. These Duplo sets will provide endless hours of fun and learning for our Squirrels, sparking their creativity and imagination. We can’t wait to see what they build next! #LEGO #Duplo #thankyou #LEGOEducationFoundation…
- Some of our Cubs joined in with the Grafton District Scouts cub hike at Castle Ashby yesterday and hSome of our Cubs joined in with the Grafton District Scouts cub hike at Castle Ashby yesterday and had a great time #hike #castleashby #cubs #graftondistrict #outdoors #walking #northampton #scouting Source
- Annabel Amos – Your 2024 Rugby Premiership Champions – Northampton Saints – BBC SoundsHands up if you heard Skip on BBC Northamptonshire this Morning? If you missed it have a listen, he’s on around 3hrs 40m in, you’ll hear him talk about scouting as well as learning his favourite dishes, useful if you need to butter him up! #radionorthampton #Hardingstone #DesertIslandDishes #scouting #northamptonshire Annabel Amos – Your 2024…
- Happy Volunteers Week!Our amazing team of volunteers help make a difference to the lives of our young people and we cannot Thank them enough. #VolunteersWeek #volunteersmakeadifference #1stHardingstoneScouts #ScoutLeadersWanted #volunteerswanted #thankyouvolunteers #Scouting #Hardingstone #northampton #volunteering #volunteers #SkillsForLife #makeadifference Source
- Happy Pride Month! Scouts welcomes everyone, and are allies to all. “Do not allow people to dim yHappy Pride Month! Scouts welcomes everyone, and are allies to all. “Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses” #allies #pridemonth #pride2024 #everyonewelcome Source
- Have you thought about Volunteering with us?#hardingstone #northampton #volunteering #community Have you thought of volunteering with Scouts? You can make all the difference to young people in your area. Source
- Group Camp – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Our amazing young people from Squirrels (ages 4-6) allGroup Camp – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Our amazing young people from Squirrels (ages 4-6) all the way up to Explorers (ages 14-18) had an unforgettable adventure at Group Camp! It was inspiring to see our older Scouts guide and encourage their younger campmates. And let’s not forget the smiles and laughter that filled…
- Making its debut on camp is our brand new trailer.The trailer which cost around £7500 was bought with a grant given to us by the Nationwide . It greatly improves our ability to run camps. Thank you Nationwide UK #communitygrants #community #grants #Nationwide #thankyou #scouts #trailer #northamptonshire #hardingstone Source
- Group camp 2024 is underway! 144 group members from 4 – 50+ will be having a blast this weekend.#scoutcamp #squirrels #scouts #beavers #cubs #explorers #camping #summerfun #hardingstone #tents Source
- Might be useful for our older Scouts and Explorers who need the volunteer element for their awards.#volounteer #scouts #explorers #northampton #DofE Are you between 14 – 24? Do you want to gain some experience over the summer? Northamptonshire Central Library is looking for volunteers for the #SummerReadingChallenge 2024! Would you like to talk with children about books, support activities such as crafts as well as award them stickers, certificates and medals?…
- Both of our Cub packs have been out and about having a great time. Mercia walked the battlefield traBoth of our Cub packs have been out and about having a great time. Mercia walked the battlefield trail in Delapré Abbey and Danelaw had a fun visit at Sywell Aviation Museum #cubs #scouts #hardingstone #history #aircraft #learning Source
- Good Luck to all of our Scouts taking their SATs this week and our Explorers as they start their GCSGood Luck to all of our Scouts taking their SATs this week and our Explorers as they start their GCSEs. Remember your scout promise and laws, do your best and have courage in all difficulties. #sats #examseason #GCSE #scoutlaw #scouts #hardingstone #explorers #KeepCalmAndCarryOn Source
- Happy 2nd Birthday to our Squirrel Drey!Not only has the Drey doubled in size to 25 but many of the squirrels have also doubled in size and are now happy Beavers! #squirrels #scouts #scouting #EarlyYears #hardingstone #happybirthday #northampton Source
- Making the most of the sunny weather and getting our young people outsideMaking the most of the sunny weather and getting our young people outside Squirrels made some improvements to their bug hotels, Nene Beavers were working on a community project in St Edmund’s Church, Hardingstone (find out more later!) and Saxon Scouts went on a what3words scavenger hunt at Delapré Abbey Source
- Welland Beavers did a fantastic job yesterday with a community litter pick at Hardingstone Rec HardWelland Beavers did a fantastic job yesterday with a community litter pick at Hardingstone Rec Hardingstone Parish Council Hardingstone Notice Board What’s on in Hardingstone? #LitterHeroes #litterpicking #community #scouts #hardingstone Source
- Yesterday evening there was a foreign object in the sky, apparently known as “The Sun”Our Squirrels had a super session outside learning all about what plants need to grow and planting their own sunflower seeds. #Squirrels #Outdoors #greenfingers #hardingstone Source
- Our Scouts are allowed to have penknives on camp once they’ve been thoroughly taught and vetted by SOur Scouts are allowed to have penknives on camp once they’ve been thoroughly taught and vetted by Skip or Chief. Here’re some tips on how to use a knife safely. #scouts #skillsforlife #knifesafety Source
- It’s been another busy week for us full of adventures, activities, crafting and yummy food! LearningIt’s been another busy week for us full of adventures, activities, crafting and yummy food! Learning and having fun as we go along. What will next week have instore for us? #squirrels #beavers #cubs #scouts #hardingstone #northampton Source
- Happy St George’s Day To quote Baden-Powell: “All Scouts should know his story. St. George was typHappy St George’s Day To quote Baden-Powell: “All Scouts should know his story. St. George was typical of what a Scout should be. When he was faced by a difficulty or danger, however great it appeared, even in the shape of a dragon – he did not avoid it or fear it but went at…
- Do you have what it takes to see the big picture, make decisions, and work together to help GraftonDo you have what it takes to see the big picture, make decisions, and work together to help Grafton District Scouts run smoothly? We’re on the look out for amazing volunteers to join our Trustee Board, and take on the role of District Chair and District Treasurer! Trustees are a team of volunteer who see…
- In case any of our 1st Hardingstone Families are free to help tomorrow 🙂In case any of our 1st Hardingstone Families are free to help tomorrow 🙂 Source
- To make extra room for group camp TODAY we are purchasing 20 of these tents. They have an upstairs aTo make extra room for group camp TODAY we are purchasing 20 of these tents. They have an upstairs and a downstairs meaning plenty of room for everyone. #April1st #hardingstone #camping Source
- Happy Easter Wishes!The spirit of Easter is all about hope, love, and joyful living, so here’s to lighter nights and many adventures to come. #easter #easterweekend #hardingstone #scouts #northampton #summertime #adventures #clockchange Source
- Who says squirrels can’t do “proper scouting”? Not us!!Our Squirrels have had a fantastic sleepover. They’ve crafted, played games, had scavenger hunts, shot mini crossbows, made their own lunches, lit fires and had a movie night! Thank you 1st Blisworth Scouts for the use of your hut. #sleepover #squirrels #SquirrelScouts #SkillsForLife #scouting #hardingstone #firelighting #scoutskills Source