Our Danelaw Cubs followed hot on the heels of both the Saxon Scouts and Mercia Cubs with a weekend away. The cubs spent the weekend at Horley Campsite near Banbury and had a humdinger of a time on their wild…
Remembrance Day 2021
On Sunday 14th November the Village gathered for the Remembrance Day Service. We had the honour of parading through the village to the war memorial, led by our new Scout Band. This was their first outing since their formation just…
Flag Blessings
It was wonderful to see St Edmunds Church, Hardingstone, full of young people on Tuesday 14th September for 1st Hardingstone flag blessing service, Canon Beverley, formerly from Living Brook Benefice and Rural Dean, led a lovely service which saw all…
Group Camp 2021
Celebrating 60 years On the weekend of the 3rd to 5th September, 112 members from all sections of the Group got together at the Lesley Sell Activity centre in Bromham to hold our annual Group Camp. This year was extra…
Annual General Meeting & Presentation Evening 2021
On Thursday 22nd July we held our AGM and presentation Evening, the AGM is a Legal requirement that we have to hold but the presentation Evening is always the best bit! Last year we had to hold the AGM via…